5 Models for Flock House Structure

Designed by unidentified visitors to Bemis Center, their construction uses paper, scissors and tape set out  in the NYC Flock House. All visitors can enter this flock house and design a Flock House, or work at adjacent tables.

Updated July 28, 2014

This construction might be a flexible solar panel.

Model A – This construction might support a flexible solar panel structure. They could be positioned for solar collecting and lowered for washing.

Modle A - Solar panels might fold beneath cover  for safety during thunder storms.

Model A – Solar panels might fold beneath a cover for safety during thunder storms.

Model B: Suggests Flock House aesthetics that can be integrated into flexible materials.

Model B – Suggests Flock House aesthetics integrated into flexible materials.

Model B- Side view

Model B – Side view

Model FH B 2 72 800

Model B – This position suggests an elaborate door.

These models point toward the sculptural and adjustable potential of Flock House as an idea.

Model 72 800

This model and a sketch completed by an unknown person.


Sketch with model above.

Sketch with model above.

Gideon, Flock House model

Gideon: Flock House Model

Gideon, Flock House model with floor and wall extensions.

Gideon, Flock House model with floor and wall extensions.

Unknown: Complex layered Model

Unknown: Complex layered Mode